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Kategorie: Biete Samenspende (6342)


Von: eike 
am... 10.03.2017
PLZ: 38100
Land: Deutschland
Alter: 37
Grösse: 182
Gewicht in Kg: 82
Körperform: sportlich
Haarfarbe: blond braun
Haarvolumen: voll
Augenfarbe: blau
Spende überregional möglich: nach Absprache
Kostenerstattung erwünscht: nein
Kostenerstattung bis EUR (einmalig pro Spende):
Methode: Becher
Aktuelles Bild vorhanden: ja
HIV Test vorhanden: nein
Hepatitis Test vorhanden: ja
Blutspendeausweis vorhanden: nein
Spermiogramm vorhanden: ja
Schulabschluss: Promotion
Beruf: Anwalt Unternehmer
Religion: Keine Angaben
Lieblingsmusik: Filmmusik, Klassik
Lieblingsessen: Obst und Gemuese
Sportler: ja
Welche Art von Sport: so ziemlich alles
Raucher: nein
Nationalität: Deutsch
Augenerkrankungen: nein
Brillenträger: nein
Herzerkrankungen: nein
Sonstige Erkrankungen: ja
Welche Erkrankungen liegen vor: leichter Heuschnupfen
Allergien: ja
Welche Allergie: Graesser, Briken
Späterer Kontakt erwünscht: auf Wunsch des Kindes
Finanzielle Beteiligung/Unterhalt: Nein
Familienstand: ledig
Schwul: Nein
I am a 36 years old that is originally from Germany but currently living in Brazil.
I would love to help couples or single women to become parents! For that reason I am already a sperm donor at the biggest fertility clinic in Brazil. At that clinic sperm donors are anonymous. As I personally would want to know the sperm donor in detail if I were to use a clinic, I am hereby providing a lot of information about me below.
Summary facts about me
Intelligent (part of Mensa, IQ of 144)
Adventurous: studied and worked in more than 10 different countries and thus speak 9 languages
Fit (run a mile in less than 5 minutes)
Sperm concentration of 86 million/ml and 47% motility.
INTJ personality
Sexuality: heterosexual; non-promiscuous
Physical: 6 ft, 175 lb, blue eyes, light brown hair
Education and work
I have done a lot of things:
At 16 I left home to study in Chicago.
At 17 I entered university in Ithaca, New York.
2 years later I graduated with 3 major, economics, math and business from University of Puerto Rico.
Then I did a Master in Business Law in France.
Then I went to China to start an Internet business.
Then I did a Master in Economic Analysis of Law in Berkeley, California and Gent, Belgium.
Then a Master in tax law. Simultaneous I earned a law degree and wrote my PhD dissertation in tax law, which I finished when I was 26.
Then I worked in Milan and later London and Beijing.
Then I started a business in Madrid and later moved to Barcelona.
Then I sold that company and went to build another business in Kiev, Ukraine.
Then I went to work in Lisbon and later in Campinas, Brazil.
Likes & dislikes
Sports: Tennis, basketball, table tennis, soccer, badminton
Dancing: Salsa, Merengue, Forro, Bachata, Sertanejo
Music: I used to play piano, and guitar, but due to lack of time and instruments when I travel, I gave up.
Socializing and introspection: take walks, explore nature, play board games, go out dancing.

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