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Kategorie: Suche Samenspende (5264)


Von: Cassie 
am... 22.01.2014
PLZ-Gebiet: 10777
Ort: Berlin
Land: Deutschland
Alter: 35-40
Grösse: 170-175
Haarfarbe: braun
Augenfarbe: grün
Aussehen: europäisch
Hauttyp: hell
HIV-Test: ja
Hepatitis-Test: ja
Kostenerstattung: Nein
Kostenerstattung bis EUR (einmalig pro Spende):
Gewünschter Schulabschluss: Studium
Späterer Kontakt zum Vater erwünscht: auf Wunsch des Kindes
Methode: nach Absprache
Schwuler Spender: egal
I apologise for not writing in German but I wish myself to be fully understood.

Presumably you would be interested in knowing a little about my motivations and my expectations.

I am 37 year old woman with a secure and comfortable living. I work in education. I have a close support network of friends, some of whom will soon have children of their own. My family are very much a part of my life but, as they live in another country, they are not around the corner to help me out. However, my still young father took early retirement and could hop on a plane at short notice should I need him for support at any time. My mother will soon follow in his footsteps. Both my friends and family are aware that I am choosing to have a child in this way and they stand behind me.

I am currently not in a relationship and I do not wish to become a woman approaching forty whose main priority in meeting a man is to fall pregnant. I believe that a relationship built on this foundation would not last. Therefore, I aim to have a child as a single mother with the firm belief that my future long-term partner/ spouse will one day be her/his father.

In the unlikely event that I would remain single and suffer an early death, my child would join the family of my brother or my sister who are both in committed long term-relationships. My brother has two children and my sister is planning her family now.

I have always been in good health, as have my family. My only physical weakness is the fact that I wear contact lenses.

I think it is important that when my child reaches an appropriate age (perhaps 18) there will be the opportunity to meet and hopefully get to know her/his biological father. Should the biological father wish, I would discuss small amounts of contact before this time (occassional visits/photographs/letters) as it would be beneficial for the child's self-awareness and healthy development.

I feel it is necessary to be clear that I do NOT want a child-sharing arrangement and I have absolutlely no need or interest in child-support from the biological father. Your anonymity is secure.

I would welcome hearing some more about you, particulary about your motivation for helping women have a child.



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